Great North 10K 2023

Great North 10K 2023

It’s fair to say that the Great Run events are always well organised. And this years Great North 10K is no different, despite the best attempts of some arsonists.

The Fire

Around 6:45pm on Wednesday 28 June, the Tyne & Wear Fire and Rescue Service attended a fire in a unused commercial building in Carliol Square.

Initially the central motorway, which is part of the course, was closed in both directions. However, it reopened southbound towards Gateshead but remained closed to traffic travelling northbound. This affected a small section of the course. Thankfully, a slight tweak of the course meant that the event was still able to go ahead. It also remained at the official length.

The Metro

Anybody who has been to Newcastle knows about the Tyne & Wear Metro. It is supposedly the best way to get around the local region. However, anyone who has had to rely on it, knows just how shit it is. On Sunday 2nd July it was no different. Arriving on platform 1, with numerous other runners, the board said 48 minutes for the next train. Absolutely ridiculous!

Thankfully, the ever helpful staff on the end of the information line were there to assist. Ignorant. Obnoxious. Dismissive. Rude. Just a few of the words I would use to exemplify the quality of service I received. In all honesty, he was a bit of a prick. But he did eventually give a time for a train which was better than nearly an hour. Whilst not ideal, it would at least get us there in time for the start.

The Couple

Waiting for the Metro I bumped into the most lovely couple. He was a semi-retired GP doing the run. His wife was a retired district nurse. We talked all the way there and while waiting for the race to begin. Their grandchild is the same age as Jack. So, it was nice to talk about school transitions and the impact it would have on us needing to transport them to school. We also talked about races we’d done previously and the prep for this one. Just a shame we weren’t going to continue the conversation in the Wylam Brewery which they were planning to visit after the run.

The Great North 10K Route

Starting on the central motorway (just like the Great North Run), the route heads south for 3KM before turning 180 degrees just after the Tyne Bridge and heading back into town. Coming off the CME at Manors you turn left on to Market Street, before turning right on to John Dobson Street. A loop round by the Monument and old Eldon Square brings you back to John Dobson Street before doing a loop around Northumbria University. You then proceed to Haymarket and turn right to head on to the Great North Road. Finally you turn on to the Town Moor for the final 2K to the finish next to the Wylam Brewery.

The Result

Great North 10K 2023 Medal










The Conclusion

Despite the last minute tweaks to the course, it was a throughly enjoyable event. The village had everything that would be expected. Some food. Coffee. Information desk. And somewhere to take a crap. The route was predominantly downhill for the first 3K. As they say what goes up must come down. The same can be said for running events. Thankfully, the climb back up was staggered nicely over the remaining 7K.

As for me, all of the training I’ve been doing over the last few weeks definitely paid off. I managed to knock 5 mins off my 10K time in May which I’m super proud of. But there is definitely more improvements to come.

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