I am Going: London Marathon 2024 is Happening

I am Going: London Marathon 2024 is Happening

On Thursday 6th July 2023 I received an email from TCS London Marathon confirming I had been successful in the ballot. I still can’t believe it. It’s going to be a huge commitment, physically, mentally and financially. So, a lot of deliberating has been done. But the decision has been made. I am going. London here I come!

Now the hard work starts. I’ve never run a marathon before. The furthest in an event has been 14 miles. So, this is going to be a bit of a leap, albeit not unachievable. Consistency is going to be the key here. Starting right now, if I am going to be successful I need to start and build my mileage base. Slowly of course. Don’t want to risk an injury.

But for now, the excitement is taking over. I’m just going to enjoy this moment. It reminds me of my first Great North Run. A target. Something to work towards. But importantly a life experience. It’s absolutely amazing. I don’t think I will ever be involved in another event on this scale and quite as historic.

For now, I’m on cloud 9. I’ll come down very soon and the realisation of the task will kick in. It isn’t going to phase me. It’s going to be an amazing challenge.

If you’re doing the London Marathon in 2024, good luck, and don’t forget to drop me a comment below.

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