Ballot Results for London Marathon 2024

Ballot Results for London Marathon 2024

It’s that time of year when the social networks sites go nuts. Runners up and down the country posting that they’ve been unsuccessful in the London Marathon ballot results. I would usually be posting the same. But not this year!

After many, MANY years of applying for the ballot, this year is different. The result email arrived at 14:31 today. Expecting the usual rejection, I was shocked to open Outlook to be presented with this:

I honestly can’t believe it. I’ve finally been successful in the ballot results and have a place in the London Marathon.

Being perfectly honest, I am excited. But I’m also extremely nervous. Not just about the mileage. But the whole logistics of partaking. Train to London. Finding a hotel. Getting to start. Getting back from the finish. In fact I’m flapping a little. Really need to ensure I’m organised early.

Now the hard work starts. It’s time to start ramping up my training to get plenty of miles into the legs. I’ll be using this site as well as the socials to track my progress. Please make sure to follow. You’re support and encouragement will really help me achieve my goal of running my first marathon.

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