Week 2 Training Summary: London Marathon 2024

Week 2 Training Summary: London Marathon 2024

Maintaining the consistency of week 1, my London Marathon 2024 training plan is going to, well plan! Despite picking up a niggle in my calf I managed to complete every programmed run. Here’s my week 2 training summary.

Monday 8th January 2024

Monday night means it’s Gosforth Harriers club run. Managed to keep up with the quicker group for about 2 miles. Then nearly died on Matthew Bank 😆. Note to self; do more hill work!

Still pleased with this average pace after doing 8 miles yesterday. Just need to keep the consistency going.

Tuesday 9th January 2024

Took some effort to get out the door tonight. Must be my age as I’m not half feeling the cold 🥶😂. Left calf been a bit tight all day so an easy 3 miles was very welcome to keep the miles ticking over.

Wednesday 10th January 2024

Was meant to be at club tonight but calf still a bit stiff and tender. So no way I could have handled and intervals session. Went out and did a very slow and easy 5 miles. Calf felt fine and actually feels a bit looser now.

Thursday 11th January 2024

Not going to lie that I needed a little nana nap tonight when I got in from work. Really couldn’t be arsed to go out after it. But need to keep the consistency going. 1 mile warm up, 2 miles @ 9 min/mile (was actually a little quicker), then 1 mile cool down. Rest day tomorrow is going to be very welcome.

Friday 12th January 2024

Rest day! Jack got such a good report from his parent’s day at school so we went out for pizza at our wonderful local bistro, Plaza Cafe & Bistro.

Saturday 13th January 2024

Was going to go to Park Run. Woke up, had a pee and went back to bed. Far too tired. Took me all day to get up the motivation to do an easy 3 (well 3.5). Must have an early night as it’s a 10 miler tomorrow.

Sunday 14th January 2024

Only 98 days (14 weeks) to go until London Marathon. So every training session counts. Today was a 10 mile slow run, building up time on feet. Have also started using Science in Sport gels on my long runs to start getting myself used to them.

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