About Me

Hello, I’m Nick! A 40-something runner, coder, pizza lover and connoisseur of Peroni. I live in the North East of England with my beautiful wife Phil and amazing son Jack. This site is primarily dedicated to my journey as a runner. More specifically, the journey back to running following an injury.

The Beginning

Working as a DJ in 2005, it wasn’t exactly the healthiest of lifestyles to live. The rented flat had an ant infestation and mould growing up the wall! Being classed as morbidly obese, I was a bit of a fat lad! Career aspirations required a level of physical fitness. So, when my parents decided to help me get out of the hell hole, a conscious choice was made to work on myself. It was just the kick in the arse needed to get myself fit. I bought myself some running shoes. Running to the end of the street, I nearly collapsed. It was just the start.

First Events

My first event was the Great Winter Run, a 5K event in Edinburgh in 2007. This was followed by the Great North Run the same year which I ran in a very reasonable 1:51:12.

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