Hello world!

Hello world!

Hello and welcome to Fit Dad! After three server rebuilds, lots of code tweaking and much hair pulling (not that there’s much left) the site is finally up and running properly. Although, it has felt great getting my geek on and learning Ubuntu server.

I’ve also been learning WordPress and in particular PHP. This has allowed me to create my own template for the site. Developing this new skill I have also created a WordPress site for my father in law’s business, North East Metal Spinners. Plus, there’s a few more sites in the pipeline. I’ll be posting updates on here with links to my other projects.

But back to this site, now the hard work begins to write some great content. Admittedly I’m not the best writer. But I’m not going to let that stop me. Through practice I will get better. As long as the content helps at least one person then I’ll be happy.

All I ask is that while I’m getting up and running with this site, and get used to writing content that you bear with me. Please be gentle. And feel free to comment on a post to say hello.

Why not head over to the about page to find out more about me and why I’m setting this site up.

For now, thanks for visiting.


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